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10 月 16 日至 22 日,加拿大慶祝小型企業周

2016-10-18 11:48| views: 565| 評論: 0|編輯 |刪除

摘要: Between October 16th and 22nd this year, Canada will celebrate Small Business Week. Across the country, small business owners and entrepreneurs will attend hundreds of events to learn and network.Smal ...

Between October 16th and 22nd this year, Canada will celebrate Small Business Week.  Across the country, small business owners and entrepreneurs will attend hundreds  of events to learn and network.


Small businesses are the backbone of the Canadian economy.  They employ over eight million  Canadians.  However, the Liberal government has made it difficult for our small business sector to thrive.  The Liberals broke their own election promise to lower the Small Business Tax Rate.  Now they are crippling small businesses with a CPP tax hike and a stringent Carbon Tax.


Higher taxes on small businesses end up hurting workers.  Conservatives have always understood this.  That’s why the previous Conservative government reduced the Small Business Tax Rate.  We also reduced  small business EI premiums.  During the worst economic downturn since the Great Recession, the former Conservative government oversaw Canada having the best job creation record among G7 countries.


Raising taxes will not bring hiring or investment to the small business sector.  This is why Conservatives will continue to oppose Liberal tax hikes.  We will fight for small businesses and for workers all across Canada.


今年 10  16 日至 22 日,加拿大將慶祝小型企業周。 在全國各地,小企業業主和企業 家將參加數百個活動來學習和網絡交際  小型企業是加拿大經濟的 支柱。 他們  用超過8百萬加拿大人。 然而,自由黨政府使我們的小型企業難以茁壯成長。 自由黨違背了自己降低小型企業率的競選承諾  現在他們正在通過增加加拿大退休金計劃與嚴格的碳稅削弱小型企業。

 對小型企業徵收更高的稅收會傷害工人。 保守黨一直都理解這 一點。 這就是為什麼前保守黨政府降低了小型企業稅率。 我們還減少了小型企業的嚴重的經濟衰退期間,前保守黨政府監督下的加拿大在七大工業國中創造了最好的就業機會紀錄。

 提高稅率不會給小型企業帶來新招聘或投資。 這就是為什麼保守黨將繼續反對自由黨 稅。 我們將為加拿大的小型企業和工人争取。



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