TV News /  28 December 2016 /  3056 views

Uber stops its self-driving cars in California. Uber's an interesting company, it seems to think that it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. Well, it ran into an issue in California. Uber began picking up passengers using self-driving cars in San Fransisco earlier this month. [MUSIC] These cars had a person in the driver's seat to take over as necessary. There's also another person in the passenger's seat to take and analyze data. The California Department of Motor Vehicles immediately took issue with Uber's test. Because the company did not have an autonomous vehicle testing permit. 20 other companies, including Google, GM, and Tesla, received permits from the DMV for their self-driving cars. Uber claimed that it did not need a permit because its cars still required a person to operate them. The DMV threatened legal action if Uber did not stop its self-driving vehicles. Well, the California DMV revoked the registrations of Uber's self-driving cars, and this caused Uber stopped driving tests in San Francisco. This is not the end of Uber's self-driving cars in California, the company says it will try to redeploy self-driving cars in the States. The California DMV have invited Uber to get a permit so it can legally test its self-driving cars. For more information check CNET. COM. I'm [UNKNOWN] and I see you, online.


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