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2018-2-14 12:47| views: 759| 評論: 0

摘要: 根据加拿大移民、难民和公民局的资料,目前80%配偶团聚移民的平均等待时间为一年,以前通常需要两年。仅在一年多时间里,移民官已经大量清理了积压的申请,积压文件从大约7.5万份下降到大约1.5万份。移民部长Ahmed ...



移民部长Ahmed Hussen說, 这样做是出于“人道”的考虑。




部长将于美国东部时间上午9:30在安大略省密西沙加的D Spot Dessert咖啡馆正式公布该文件处理的进展情况以及旨在提高效率的申请流程。




加速配偶担保移民处理的计划源自2016年12月,当时的移民部长John McCallum  与此同时,家庭团聚申请指南从180页缩减为75页的文件,申请表的语言表述也更通俗易懂。

温哥华的移民律师Zool Suleman表示,自那时以来,文件准备适当的客户明显能感觉到处理速度“大幅加快”。


Today, the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced that the government has successfully met these commitments:

·         More than 80% of those who were in the global spousal sponsorship backlog on December 7, 2016, have now received final decisions for their applications. We reduced the spousal inventory from 75,000 applications to 15,000 as of December 31, 2017.

·         As of December 31, 2017, we met our commitment to process 80% of spousal applications that were received in December 2016.


In addition, after introducing a new spousal sponsorship application package in December 2016, IRCC continued to respond to client and stakeholder feedback to further improve the application process, and make it simpler and easier for sponsors and applicants to understand and navigate. As a result, we made a number of improvements to the application package in June 2017. And today, we introduced further updates to the application kit and process to improve the client experience and make sure we can process applications as quickly as possible.


·         To bring families together, IRCC plans to welcome 66,000 spouses and dependants in 2018, well above the average over the past decade of about 47,000.

Associated link

      Web Notice: Updated application kit for spousal sponsorship

·         Graphic: Clearing the backlog

·         Graphic: Reuniting families faster

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